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type OAuthStrategy = | "oauth_facebook"| "oauth_github"| "oauth_google"| "oauth_hubspot"| "oauth_tiktok"| "oauth_gitlab"| "oauth_discord"| "oauth_twitter"| "oauth_twitch"| "oauth_linkedin"| "oauth_linkedin_oidc"| "oauth_dropbox"| "oauth_bitbucket"| "oauth_microsoft"| "oauth_notion";
oauth_facebookstringSpecify Facebook as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_githubstringSpecify GitHub as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_googlestringSpecify Google as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_hubspotstringSpecify HubSpot as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_tiktokstringSpecify TikTok as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_gitlabstringSpecify GitLab as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_discordstringSpecify Discord as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_twitterstringSpecify Twitter as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_twitchstringSpecify Twitch as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_linkedin (deprecated)stringThis strategy is now deprecated in favor of oauth_linkedin_oidc.
oauth_linkedin_oidcstringSpecify LinkedIn as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_dropboxstringSpecify Dropbox as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_bitbucketstringSpecify Bitbucket as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_microsoftstringSpecify Microsoft as the verification OAuth provider.
oauth_notionstringSpecify Notion as the verification OAuth provider.

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